SPMReader Update

Here is a quick update regarding the SPMReader application I created for Spektrum RC Aircraft Radios. It’s been about a month since I announced the SPMReader application. The amount of work that I’ve been able to put into the application hasn’t been as much as I hoped. The biggest updated is that the application now supports the following radios and features: DX18 Converts the SPM to a standardized XML format. DX8 Converts the SPM to a standardized XML format. Currently working on the conversion. It doesn’t look like much now, but the first two points under each radio is important. Once … Continue reading

Announcing SPMReader

So after a few comments on the DX18 Template Editing Application showing some interest I decided to create a quick POC type project on GitHub. The application is called SPMReader. This application reads the SPM files from Spektrum radios (currently only the DX18). Currently it is written in .NET 4.5.1. There’s no reason that it couldn’t be compiled in a more Mono friendly version of .NET, though. If you’re on a WinOS or have access to a Windows VM I suggest grabbing the latest version of Visual Studio Dev Express and trying it out. I’m not ruling out a Java port. I’m … Continue reading