Florida Soaring Society 2016 Wrap-up

The scores for 2016 were recently posted for the FSS 2016 events. Here are the results for the year: Expert Rank Pilot Contests Flown Scored Points Yearly Average 1 John Kennedy 11 7808 824 2 Mike Naylor 10 7648 830 3 Michael Gardner 9 7483 831 4 Jamie Mercado 8 7460 932 5 Steve Blake 7 6174 882 Masters Rank Pilot Contests Flown Scored Points Yearly Average 1 Raed Elazzaw 14 8668 915 2 Jody Miller 8 7700 962 Wow! 3rd place finish! This is my second year of flying competitively so I’m very pleased. John, Mike, Jamie, and Steve … Continue reading

Florida Soaring Society Contest #3

I participated in the Florida Soaring Society’s third contest of the year at the Indian River Kontrol Society’s field just west of Cocoa, FL. The contest was well put on by John Graves and his wife Kim. The whole weekend was a blast. I also had my best flying of the year! Continue reading

Upcoming RC Events

As a bit of last notice news, there are a couple of RC events that are going to be the first weekend in May. Top Gun The US, and probably world’s, premier scale model competition happens right in Florida’s backyard. If you have a chance to get over to Lakeland, FL April 29th through May 3rd for Top Gun. You’ll get to see awesome warbirds and jets take to the skies in an attempt to earn the title Mr. Top Gun. It is 5 days of seriously awesome scale competition. The chance to see everything from a Moki 400cc 5-cylinder powered … Continue reading