System-less Root on Nexus 6 – Marshmallow 6.0.1

Quick notice. I’m not taking any responsibility if you break your phone attempting this system-less root method (or any other thing I may mention). These steps work for me and have worked for many others. Double check what you type into the console. I suggest you read through these instructions once or twice before attempting them on your Nexus. This is going to be a quick guide to get to a system-less root on a Nexus 6 on Marshmallow 6.0.1 (build MMB29S). I’m writing this up here because I have a buddy that wants to get rooted now that he’s … Continue reading

Xposed Framework – Proposed Solution

After my post on Google Wallet and the Xposed Framework I’ve done some thinking to see if there was some sort of solution to the security issue that is inherent in the Xposed Framework. It hit me. The answer is kind of obvious. My big gripe with the Xposed Framework is that it operates with impunity. Once a module is added to the white list, either through user interaction or a malicious action, there are no more checks done to insure that the functionality which is being altered is acceptable to the user. With standard root access there is a … Continue reading

Xposed Framework – Android Security

Alrighty, let me put on my software engineering hat and pickup on some regular blogging about important topics! This is a continuation of my discussion on Android Security. Last time I talked about obtaining root on your phone. Once a phone is rooted the ability to modify system files can be requested by any application running on the phone. The key point being that applications request the ability to operate as the root user, they are not given the ability to do so by default. I’ve recently been reading about a project called the Xposed Framework. It’s a Github project designed to add hooks into the various methods … Continue reading

Android Security Risks

Android is a pretty solid operating system. Like any operating system it has some issues regarding system security. In the area of system security there are some obvious holes we could talk about. Almost all (actually I can’t think of any that have not) phones have been rooted through some security exploit. For the uninitiated having a rooted phone or obtaining root on your phone is akin to being system administrator on your PC. You can do anything to the Android system, essentially you have God Mode. For obvious reasons no manufactures ship their phones with root enabled. Doing so would put … Continue reading