Using Gitorious, TortoiseGit, and Msysgit Together

And Not Crying! So if you’ve read previously I’ve setup a Gitorious server at my work to do some POC that doesn’t necessarily need to go into our source control systems for standard release software. Up to this point I’ve only used the CLI on Ubuntu to issue git commands. I kinda was at a loss on how to work with Git on a Windows machine. Since I’ve used TortoiseSVN and I knew there were other Tortoise* derivatives I checked to see if there was a flavor that supported Git. Turns out there is, TortoiseGit. TortoiseGit is just an interface … Continue reading

CentOS 6 and Gitorious

At my work we use and I manage Team Foundation Server for our source control system. TFS has great application life-cycle management. Outside of work I use for project hosting. Git is a great source control system. GitHub provides a great service for those needing a remote repository.  TFS has its benefits. Git/GitHub has its own benefits. This post won’t degenerate into which is better or how you should avoid one and use the other. That said, I’m a big proponent of using the best tool when the situation dictates it. Anyhow, recently I wanted to do some development at work that … Continue reading

Announcing SPMReader

So after a few comments on the DX18 Template Editing Application showing some interest I decided to create a quick POC type project on GitHub. The application is called SPMReader. This application reads the SPM files from Spektrum radios (currently only the DX18). Currently it is written in .NET 4.5.1. There’s no reason that it couldn’t be compiled in a more Mono friendly version of .NET, though. If you’re on a WinOS or have access to a Windows VM I suggest grabbing the latest version of Visual Studio Dev Express and trying it out. I’m not ruling out a Java port. I’m … Continue reading

True/False (Boolean) Values in PowerShell

This one keeps tripping me up. The following value FALSE is actually evaluated as boolean TRUE in PowerShell if you type it in literally. PowerShell is a bit like JavaScript in how it handles true and false, there is true-ish and false-ish. The easiest thing to remember is that $TRUE is true and $FALSE is false. The Windows PowerShell Blog has a good indepth article on boolean values. Searching through Google for this answer tends to lend results that more deal with boolean operators and functions than the literal values themselves.

DX18 Template Editing Application

Update: SPMReader Announcement I’ve decided to go ahead and create a parser type application for SPM files. Please read more here: Announcing SPMReader I’m looking to start a new software project. I have a Spektrum DX18 2.4 GHz radio which I use to fly my model aircraft. It’s an impressive radio. One of the cool features is that you can move data files to and from the radio’s internal memory to a SD card. The idea is that you can take the file and back it up or give it to others for use as a template. Using the export/import … Continue reading

Customer Service – OneAll

Good customer service is always appreciated. The old adage, “a customer that has a good experience will tell his friends where as a customer that has a bad experience will tell everyone they meet,” holds very true. I want to let everyone I know which reads this blog know about some very good customer service that I received even when I didn’t even know that I needed it. This morning I received the following email from regarding my social login plugin service for this blog: Hi Michael, Please take a few minutes to setup your Social Login Plugin for LinkedIn. … Continue reading

Updated: Avalon Wizard MVVM Project

Here’s an updated version of the Avalon Wizard MVVM Project that I posted about a while ago. This newly updated solution contains step navigation along the right hand side. Also, I’ve included a test solution for testing. Just a note, the testing project is pretty rough. I haven’t commented it much as I didn’t really think I’d include it. I have been just using it for internal testing. When I get a moment I’ll go through and explain what I’m testing and how everything works. For now I wanted to touch on a few things that I are in the … Continue reading

Creating a Git Repo is a Waste of Time

UPDATE I’ve been able to get Gitorious working on CentOS 6. Still some headaches but not nearly as bad as I was having when I first attempted here! Here’s some info on getting CentOS 6 on a Windows Active Directory Domain. Here’s how to setup TortoiseGit and Msysgit after you get LDAP working in Gitorious. Want to throw several hours of your life away and never get them back? Easy. Try setting up a Git repository server. Worst experience ever. I wanted to get (ha; no pun intended) on the Git bandwagon and use it for a project at work and … Continue reading

ESXi Copying a VM Between Two Hosts

UPDATE: If you’re using the odftool.exe and need to use domain accounts read my update here. I manage a bunch of TFS servers that live on consumer grade hardware. This means that I have to be very good on backups and I also need to be on the lookout for better hardware. I recently purchased some more RAM for a machine that I have sitting around. It was hosting some development VMs; nothing that required a large amount of RAM. I did have a TFS build server that ended up having a bunch of CI builds pointed to it. I decided … Continue reading

Xposed Framework – Proposed Solution

After my post on Google Wallet and the Xposed Framework I’ve done some thinking to see if there was some sort of solution to the security issue that is inherent in the Xposed Framework. It hit me. The answer is kind of obvious. My big gripe with the Xposed Framework is that it operates with impunity. Once a module is added to the white list, either through user interaction or a malicious action, there are no more checks done to insure that the functionality which is being altered is acceptable to the user. With standard root access there is a … Continue reading