Another Reason I Hate My Job

I’m on the “innovations” team at my work. I’m supposed to come up with innovative new solutions so that our products don’t linger in the past. All too often my team gets disbanded for a while to work on other items due to the nature of other teams. Our solutions are often held hostage by legacy implementations which no one will update or migrate to support the type of cutting edge internet applications my team is tasked with creating. Here’s a gem I found recently. We wanted task data from one of our systems. We were told that the manner … Continue reading

Chrome and ADB Device Detection Issue

Lately I’ve been working on an app for viewing Spektrum Telemetry on Android. While I’m using the Ionic Framework and Apache’s Cordova project to do the UI, I still need to do native functions. I’ve written my own plugin to do these functions. While working on my native functionality I’ve come across the need to debug in order to see how certain things behave while running on my Nexus devices. To do this I need to have ADB recognize my device. Lately I’ve been having an issue where I have no devices detected on any of my machines. This baffled … Continue reading

Spektrum Telemetry Viewer for Android

I’m announcing two new projects! TLMReaderLib, a library for decoding Spektrum TLM files, and TelemetryReaderForAndroid, an Android application for viewing Spektrum telemetry. Let me tell you why I’ve undertaken these two projects in my spare time. Continue reading

CSS and IFRAMES Break IE11

Because after all these years, IE still sucks. Does anyone know how to prevent IE11 from barfing when using a few nested IFRAMEs and a lot of CSS? Continue reading

Scrape Websites With NodeJS

In the RC airplane hobby we’ve been blessed and cursed with the rise of inexpensive foreign manufacturing. On the plus side the cost of participating in the hobby has gone down drastically. The actual monetary cost of the materials and components has dropped tremendously. However, on the negative side, the hobby has seen a race to the bottom for prices which has led to dramatic cost cutting measures. When kits and components are produced in such a large amount the proper QA is often thrown away to favor a lower cost to the distributor. This is also seen with many … Continue reading

Configuring NodeJS in Windows for Success

Here’s how configuring NodeJS a bit different from its installed settings can create a little less of a headache in Windows. If you’re not familiar, NodeJS is an awesome environment for developing apps using JavaScript run with Chromium’s V8 engine. I’ve been using Node on my Ubuntu a little bit of time. Recently I’ve been working on projects at my work while in Windows. It didn’t take long after installing some packages that I ran into most developers common annoyance with developing in a Windows environment, path length limitations. It’s 2015 and users are still dealing with a 260 character limit … Continue reading

Announcing SPMReader

So after a few comments on the DX18 Template Editing Application showing some interest I decided to create a quick POC type project on GitHub. The application is called SPMReader. This application reads the SPM files from Spektrum radios (currently only the DX18). Currently it is written in .NET 4.5.1. There’s no reason that it couldn’t be compiled in a more Mono friendly version of .NET, though. If you’re on a WinOS or have access to a Windows VM I suggest grabbing the latest version of Visual Studio Dev Express and trying it out. I’m not ruling out a Java port. I’m … Continue reading

Updated: Avalon Wizard MVVM Project

Here’s an updated version of the Avalon Wizard MVVM Project that I posted about a while ago. This newly updated solution contains step navigation along the right hand side. Also, I’ve included a test solution for testing. Just a note, the testing project is pretty rough. I haven’t commented it much as I didn’t really think I’d include it. I have been just using it for internal testing. When I get a moment I’ll go through and explain what I’m testing and how everything works. For now I wanted to touch on a few things that I are in the … Continue reading

NuGet Package Publishing

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Remember when I told you about the awesomeness that is NuGet? No?! Well go read about it silly! I only told you half the story. Consuming packages in your projects is very helpful for most developers. Why reinvent the wheel? However, once you create a library why not share it with others? This article will explain how to go about publish a package to a NuGet feed. I will discuss what you need to prepare your library for package style deployment. Covering the actual packaging will follow the preparation phase.  The last item I will cover will be versioning. Turning Your Library Into … Continue reading

NuGet, A New Way to Get Libraries

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How Do You Manage Dependencies in Your .NET Project? Every .NET developer has been there, sitting down, opening up VisualStudio, creating a new solution for some project (ha! no pun intended), and then adding the miriad of references to external libraries that you need in order to keep yourself sane through the coding experience. Each library you download and add to your projects becomes a dependency, almost a liability. Enter Nuget. It’s pronounced “new get”. Quite simply NuGet is an open source (free) package management tool for .NET. If you’re familiar with Maven in Java then you’ll have a good … Continue reading