Sbach 342 Maiden Flight

I got an Sbach 342 from in July and finally got it up in the air a week ago.

I hit the prop on a sub-par landing and I’m now waiting on a replacement. Oh well, hopefully the 3-blade 15×13.75 will be a bit better than the 17×8 I had on it!

I’ll come up with a little more comprehensive review on the plane’s flight characteristics and my overall opinion on it in a later thread. The first flight went great and I was pretty impressed by it. My brother filmed the whole thing. We’ll work on his camera work for the next maiden flight.

Here’s my initial look at the plane: The Next RC Build: Sbach 342

Here’s some information on the build:

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About Mike

I'm a software engineer. Look into the about page for more information about me.

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